Monday, November 12, 2007

he just seems a bit out there for me...

EVEN MORE: if I can find the time, I'll do a "Terrance McKeena blog" (this entry is just my quick assessment of his ideas on controversial drugs) and really look at the details of what he is saying... D.

MORE: no, the fact that most people use "psychedelics" for trivial purposes does NOT mean they cannot be used for the higher purposes he suggests... it's just that aside from possibly some interesting music and things of that nature there seems to be no evidence that taking the risks and going into "the dark waters of the mind" is any more conducive to coming up with useful ideas beneficial to this world than... taking a nap, skipping all those dangers and coming up with useful ideas while fully lucid...

certainly interesting and entertaining but there appears to be no real foundation to what he is saying... *who* has gone "in the dark waters of the mind" and brought back something very useful in the grand scheme of things? most people seem to use such things for "recreational purposes" or just to make themselves more sociable -- I need no such aid in either of those circumstances... D.

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